Friday, April 7, 2017

Digital Technologies in the Classrooms. Emerging Digital Technologies in Classroom.

Education World offers new technology content every day. Some of our pieces related to technology tools can be found in this archive. We do update these articles regularly, but given the changing nature of technology, we cannot promise that every piece will be on the cutting edge. In this information age, we can now talk to each other in ways we never imagined. Teachers and administrators face a new challenge; however, as they try to find a way to safely incorporate this technology in the classroom. It is so easy for students to carry tablets from class to class, using them to seamlessly access textbook and other course material as needed, that schools and universities are rethinking the need for computer labs or even personal laptops. A student’s choice of apps makes it easy to build a personalized learning environment, with all the resources and tools they need on a single device. With their growing number of features, tablets give traction to other educational technologies from facilitating the real-time data mining needed to support learning analytics to offering a plethora of game-based learning apps. It certainly is an exciting time to be involved with learning and technology.  Because of the great advances, we are making in educational technology, new doors of opportunity are opening in classrooms.

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