Friday, April 7, 2017

Academic Software: Graphic Software. Tutorial Software, Educational Game.

Picasa is a free software developed by Google, an essential image editing tool that will allow you to edit the pictures you have stored on your PC so you may then use them on worksheets, coloring pages, games, flashcards, and all types of activities. You can also create albums to be shared with your students.

English Live is an online English learning program that helps its users quickly and easily learn the English language. You can use this ESL application 24/7 from any internet connection. This program offers private classes, group conversations and lessons that are not only designed to improve listening skills but also reading, writing and speaking skills.

With Kahoot, teachers and students can create multiple-choice quizzes as well as polls and surveys that populate on-the-spot data (although this data isn't saved over time). Other than their own scores, students only see the top achievers so low-performing students won't feel put on display. Quiz questions and polls stimulate quick instructional decisions as well as whole-class discussion, but an open-ended response feature and/or the ability to string together a quiz and a poll in one game would be welcome to aid learning. Tech savvy students can connect with students from across the globe to play or connect to their peers after-hours to compete for new scores. Data can be downloaded by teachers (or student creators) and viewed in Excel. These reports can be helpful, but data can't be compared over time for classes or individual students since accounts are not required for students (even though they can, if they choose, create them). For teachers, this means it can be time-intensive to analyze students' growth patterns or individual problem areas using Kahoot quizzes.

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